If your results show low sperm count or motility, there are various treatment options, including:
– Lifestyle changes and medication.
– Assisted reproduction like IUI or IVF with ICSI.
– In severe cases, we can retrieve sperm directly from the testis.
A semen analysis looks at several key factors:
– Sperm Count: The number of sperm in the semen. We measure it per ml and the total sperm number.
– Motility: How well the sperm swim. What percentage of sperm is motile and is “progressive” in nature.
– Morphology: The shape and structure of the sperm.
We also check semen volume, pH levels, and the presence of white blood cells (indicating infection) to get a full picture of sperm health.
If your results show low sperm count or motility, there are various treatment options, including:
– Lifestyle changes and medication.
– Assisted reproduction** like IUI or IVF with ICSI.
– In severe cases, we can retrieve sperm directly from the testis.
Additional Testing
If your semen analysis results are abnormal, further tests might be needed, like:
Hormonal tests: to check testosterone levels.
Genetic tests for conditions like Y chromosome deletion.
Scrotal ultrasounds to examine reproductive organs.
These tests help guide the best treatment plan and improve your chances of conception.